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Argentine Ants

Linepithema Humile

Actual Size: 1.6-2.8mm

Characteristics: Honey brown to black. Listed as one of the top 100 most invasive species in the world.


  • Argentine ants are prolific breeders, and have become a major household and garden nuisance.
  • They are extremely invasive, and when introduced to a new location, Argentine ants will displace native ant species with a “super colony“.
  • They are classified as Scavenger / Predators, and eat a wide variety of food.
  • Argentine ants will establish shallow nests anywhere close to a food source.
  • They can fit into very small cracks, and have been known to set up nests in unusual places, including human belongings left around a building.



Pest Description

Argentine Ant Behavior

They have aggressive nesting behavior, infiltrating and displacing other ant species. They will also rapidly expand their colonies through prolific breeding. Instead of a central, stable nest, Argentine ants will move from one shallow nest to the next. These ants are accustomed to moving their eggs and larvae frequently. Because they are accustomed to temporary nests, Argentine ant nests have been found in some highly unusual places, including human belongings left outside or indoors.    

In mild weather, Argentine ants can be found outdoors next to sidewalks, around plants, or underneath stones. During hot spells or heavy rains, Argentine ants try to find shelter in homes or office buildings. Once they have found a way inside, they will scavenge any available food source, feeding on meats, eggs, oils, fats, and any sweet foods. Argentine ants leave trails of food to mark where they have scavenged previously, to avoid visiting the same food source twice.

Problems Caused by Argentine Ants

In addition to multiplying rapidly, behaving invasively, and eating a wide variety of food sources, Argentine ants are also very aggressive. They are not poisonous, but these ants bite people when threatened. Argentine ants are particularly aggressive toward native insect populations, which can have devastating consequences for the area’s ecosystem and any conservation efforts that are in place. Because of the sheer number of Argentine ants in a single colony, and the size of their destructive path, they can have a huge effect in a relatively small amount of time.

Preventing Argentine Ants

Sealing any foundation cracks, entrances, and other methods of entry into a building is the first step. Trimming back all plants, trees, bushes, and other landscaping from the exterior of the building is important to limit the Argentine ants from coming inside as well. Check all potted plants before moving them, inspect all garden soil before using or moving, and make sure any building materials are free from Argentine ants as well. Keep tight-fitting lids on outdoor trash cans.

Argentine Ant Control

Argentine ants can cause significant damage as they continue to spread their invasive colonies. The best way to eliminate and prevent future problems with Argentine ants is to call a professional ant exterminator. At Pest Control Inc, we use a variety of different treatment techniques, including surveillance, baiting, and exclusion solutions. We offer residential as well as commercial pest control services.


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