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Thatching Ants

Formica obscuripes

Actual Size: 4-9mm

Characteristics: Typically red to brown; occasionally black. Often confused with carpenter ants.


  • Thatching ants are classified as Scavenger / Predators, eating a range of plant materials, sugars, and dead insects.
  • Typically construct mounded nests, composed of sticks, soil, and other debris.
  • Thatching ants have a painful bite that may cause blisters.



Pest Description

Thatching Ants Behavior

Popularly known as “mound ants”, thatching ants are notorious for building mounded nests out of sticks, stems, pine needles, and soil. Although mounds are typical, thatching ants will also live in decomposing trees and soil. Their nests are visibly distinctive and an eyesore for homeowners.

Problems Caused by Thatching Ants

Thatching ants are efficient at eliminating harmful insects, but there are numerous issues that can arise from an infestation. These ants are aggressive and deliver a painful bite. Thatching ants also spray formic acid while biting, and this can cause blistering on humans and animals alike. Thatching ants destroy fruit tree blossoms and seedlings, and devastate plant-life in general.

Preventing Thatching Ants

A well-landscaped yard is the first step toward preventing thatching ants. Wood piles should be neatly organized, and rotting wood completely eliminated. Thatching ants primarily reside outdoors, and well-kept front and back yards can eliminate nests before they have a chance to spread.

Controlling and Eliminating Thatching Ants

Due to their tunneling, mounding, and biting behavior, the best way to eliminate and control thatching ants is to call a professional ant exterminator. Some nests can be as deep as four feet, and eradicating a large infestation can take a variety of methods to be successful. Thatching ants are known to be attack humans that threaten their nests, and proper safety precautions must be taken whenever dealing with this species. At Pest Control Inc, we use a variety of different treatment techniques, including surveillance, baiting, and exclusion solutions. We offer residential as well as commercial pest control services.


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